Toning Shoes Injuries

Toning shoes, a popular trend among top shoe manufacturers that surfaced and gained worldwide renown in 2010, promise to improve the muscle tone of the calves, thighs and buttocks when worn consistently during regular walking. The curved, rolling soles of this type of shoe cause the wearer to walk unstably, forcing the targeted muscle groups to work harder to keep the body upright and properly balanced.

While the idea may sound like a good one in theory, toning shoes have recently shown that not all intriguing notions are successful in practice. Some of the biggest names in the shoe production business, including Reebok, Sketchers and New Balance, have been forced to pay out millions of dollars in order to settle personal injury claims by customers all over the world.

According to, the majority of injuries sustained by people wearing toning shoes involve loss of balance that leads to a fall, a twisted ankle and chronic pain in the legs or joints. Some cases, however, include reports of fractured bones and tendinitis, both of which may result in the need for corrective surgery if the injury is sufficiently serious. In many reports of injury associated with toning shoes, the wearer was not aware of a significant injury until weeks or even months had passed, primarily due to the fact that the shoes are capable of causing long-term injuries and changes to the arch of the foot that do not present immediately with pain or discomfort. Strained Achilles tendons are another common report among women who had worn the shoes while walking on inclined surfaces, such as a sidewalk or treadmill.

Though research regarding the safety and effectiveness of toning shoes is still ongoing in various parts of the country, the numbers that have been presented thus far are compelling. Many people who have purchased toning shoes and similar designs with comparable advertising campaigns swear by their choice, stating that the unevenly shaped footwear does, indeed, make a difference in the appearance of their legs, buttocks and even abdominal muscles.

Healthcare experts, including podiatrists, however, tend to disagree. In many cases, if the manufacturer’s instructions concerning safe use of the shoes are not followed to the letter, the risk of potential injury is far greater than any beneficial effects that might be noticed after months of wearing the product. The final verdict is that the only proven way to lose weight, gain muscle tone and maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle is to exercise regularly and follow a nutritious diet plan. Any pair of shoes that promises visible, positive results without the need to work out is more than likely an expensive gimmick, Consumer Reports’ experts say.

Diehard fans of this type of shoe continue to support their favorite brands, but even the shoe manufacturers themselves are unable to produce credible research data proving the efficacy of their products. When asked to provide substantial information gleaned from alleged case studies, New Balance, Skechers, Avia, Champion and various other companies consistently refused to comply.

If you or a loved one has experienced any type of adverse effect directly related to the use of toning shoes, you may be entitled to compensation for your inconvenience, pain, healthcare expenses and more.


Phillip DeBerard, Injury Attorney is a personal injury law firm located in Florida.  For moreinformation, please visit us at .