Truck Driving: A Risky Profession

Although truck drivers often make a very nice salary, their job is much more difficult than it appears. After all, they spend the vast majority of their day on the road, and anyone who has ever taken a long road trip knows how arduous that can be. The following list examines that most dangerous aspects of the truck driving profession, and it can help every driver have a better understanding of how to stay safe when they are sharing the road with a semi-truck. If you are looking for an opportunity to start this job, then consider checking out these Owner Operator Truck Driving Opportunities.

The Top Six Dangers for Truck Drivers

1) Fatigue – Because truck drivers are typically working with a very tight deadline, they have a tendency to drive long distances without getting any rest. This can quickly cause them to feel fatigued, and experts estimate that approximately 30 percent of all traffic accidents that involve a semi-truck are caused by a lack of sleep.

2) Other Drivers – Most drivers do not like to be behind a semi-truck, and this can cause them to quickly drive around the vehicle. This can be dangerous if the other driver decides to accelerate when they are in a truck’s blind spot, especially if they do not take the time to check whether or not the trucker is signaling their intent to change lanes.

3) Blind Spot – Even if other drivers are maintaining a steady speed and not making an attempt to whip around a semi-truck, they can still present a big danger if they happen to be riding in the truck’s blind spot. Unfortunately, there are a lot of drivers on the road who seem to have absolutely no understanding of how blind spots work, and they cause several accidents that could have otherwise been avoided.

4) High Fatality Rate – Although the truck driver usually lives, the fatality rate for a semi-truck accident is almost 98 percent. Therefore, avoiding accidents should be the number one goal of every truck driver. Even though truckers usually survive when they are in an accident with a passenger vehicle, they will have to deal with the legalities that are associated with a fatal accident. It is also imperative for truckers to do everything within their power to avoid having an accident with another semi-truck. As reported by a Indiana truck accident lawyer, a fatal accident on Indiana’s I-70 in 2011 clearly illustrates, that a crash between two semi-trucks is a recipe for disaster.

5) Road Conditions – Anytime there is a construction zone or inclement weather, it becomes even more imperative for a truck driver to pay close attention to their surroundings. After all, a semi-truck is very large, and that makes it difficult to stop quickly. If they fail to stop on time, however, they could cause a massive accident, especially during rush hour.

6) Steep Roads and Sharp Turns – Whenever a trucker enters an area that is mountainous, they need to pay close attention to all of the road signs that warn them about sudden grade changes and turns. If a trucker allows themselves to become distracted, they could easily take a turn too quickly and topple their truck.

If you involved in a semi-truck accident, it might be necessary for you to obtain an accident attorney in order to receive the proper amount of compensation to take care of your injuries and the damage to your vehicle. Make sure that you contact an attorney as soon as possible, regardless of whether you were driving the truck or the other vehicle.

Anthony Joseph writes freelance in his spare time, and is contributing this article toward helping keep our roadways safe. If you or someone you know has been injured in a wreck, an Indiana truck accident lawyer  at the Sevenish Law Firm has the experience you need.