U. S. Spring Break Hit & Runs – What You Need To Know

(U. S. Personal Injury Law and generally) Fort Lauderdale, Florida has been home to Spring Break for as long as anyone can remember. This beautiful south Florida coastal town is famous for its long stretch of beautiful beach, awesome night spots, and incredible weather. Every year, tens of thousands of people flock to this area to enjoy their Spring Break from high school or college. Many people already in the workforce still take their vacations at this time because Ft. Lauderdale offers so much fun and entertainment in the sun.

However, with this large amount of people in the area at one time, accidents do happen. In fact, it is more likely that a car accident will occur during the Spring Break period than any other time of the year in Fort Lauderdale. One of the most common occurrences is hit-and-run. A hit-and-run occurs when a driver hits another automobile or pedestrian and then quickly leaves the scene of the accident. Because of the consequences associated with an accident, many young people panic when one occurs and flee the scene. While this is obviously not the right thing to do, it does happen. Knowing what to do if you are involved in a hit-and-run is crucial to the success of your insurance claim.

If you are involved in a hit-and run, you should:

• Call the police immediately to report the accident. Do not leave the place where the event happened. Provide the police with as much details as possible.
• If you are able, take pictures of the scene and any damage you have sustained. If you see witnesses, ask if you can have their personal information to provide to the police. However, if you are injured, remain still until medical help arrives.
• If you have been injured, seek medical attention. Do not delay getting medical care, your health is too important.
• Contact a Fort Lauderdale auto accident lawyer. You will want to speak to a local attorney that is familiar with this type of event prior to making any statement to your insurance company.
• Never provide a written or recorded statement to the insurance company prior to speaking to your attorney, this can have an impact on your claim.

While hit-and-run is covered under your no-fault policy, most insurance companies do not like to pay these claims. Insurance companies feel that someone else should have to pay for your accident and injuries, even though the reason you have a no-fault policy is specifically for this reason.

An attorney will work with you and the insurance company to make sure that you receive a fair and complete settlement from the accident. They will enforce the terms of your insurance policy and demand that the insurance companies comply with their own rules. They will make sure that your medical bills are paid and that any other compensation you are entitled to you receive.

Spring Break is a very exciting time of year in Ft. Lauderdale. There is much to see and much to enjoy. Staying safe requires a little additional attention when there are so many people in one area, but not enough to detract from your vacation fun.

Anthony Joseph is a freelance writer who often discusses issues of traffic law, and is contributing this article to help promote safety on our roadways. Choosing the right Fort Lauderdale auto accident lawyer isn’t always easy. At Steinger, Iscoe & Greene, there’s a legal defense team of more than 25 lawyers, and 120 case managers. Their firm has spent over a decade fighting for the rights of victims, in a number of different case types.