Understanding The Strengths And Weaknesses Of Your Case

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your case is important to getting the representation you seek as you pursue just compensation for your personal injury accident. You can do this by getting a free case evaluation or a free consultation by or from a personal injury lawyer. When it comes to hiring a lawyer, it is important to find out how much a lawyer will charge. What percentage of settlement do lawyers get? The answer depends on how much your personal injury attorney charges for their specific services. However, there are some things you will need to know before, during, and after you talk to or go see a personal injury lawyer. Here they are.


Were you really injured?

You can only recover damages from a defendant for injury they caused. So, even if you were involved in a typical personal injury accident because of someone else, such as a slip and fall or car accident, if you weren’t really injured, then you might not have any reason to use personal injury law. This keeps the courts open for more serious cases that need their attention; and, there are still other avenues of justice available to you if you feel you were wronged and would like to file a lawsuit against the person who wronged you. Talk to a lawyer– any lawyer, about what those might be.

Is your lawsuit worth pursuing?

Okay, you were injured. But, you weren’t injured a lot. In fact, you’ve already paid for your medical bills– and easily. Lawsuits are costly. They are also timely. So, before you file one, think about what you’ll get out of your lawsuit in the end. You might not win, and even if you do win, will what you win be worth it– making up for the time and money you lost along the way?


Knowing the where, when, what, and why of your case will help a lawyer identify strengths and weaknesses during your free case evaluation or free consultation.

Know where your accident happened. Each state will have its own rules, so it matters. More specifically, you should also know where your accident happened as far as streets, counties, and even cities go.


Know when your accident happened. Did you wait more than two years? Then, you might not be able to sue the person who caused your accident and recover damages for your injuries anymore.


Know what happened. Get witnesses and medical reports, as well as police reports if available


Know why your accident happened. Were you partially to blame? This can affect your ability to recover through a doctrine known as contributory negligence– basically, a defendant is only liable for the percent of damages they were responsible for.


After you finish your free case evaluation or free consultation, you are left to pursue your case. According to Timothy J. Ryan & Associates Personal Injury Lawyers victims of accidents have two years after their incident to file a claim. Rethink your initial assumptions now that you have a professional, experienced opinion. If needed, contact another personal injury lawyer for a second, third, or even fourth opinion. Doing so, and doing so in a timely fashion, is in your best interest, because knowing whether or not you have a strong or a weak personal injury case can help you make the hard decision about whether or not to file a personal injury lawsuit.

Jennifer Machie writes for Jason McMinn,  a personal injury lawyer at the McMinn Law Firm.