What Do You Do After A Hairdressing Injury?

Has a recent trip to the hairdressers left you with hair damaged beyond repair? Are you still suffering from the awful consequences of a hairdressers’ negligence?
Miss A suffered bad burns to her scalp following hair straightening chemical treatment which left her with severe burns, and she suffered so much pain that she received £4,000 compensation.
Similar hairdressing claims are becoming ever more frequent in the UK as more customers are demanding more experimental hair appearances to keep up with modern celebrity trends.
Under-trained hairdressers are executing poor quality hair extensions, burns to the scalp with hair dye or customers are suffering allergic reactions to treatments due to lack of testing procedures in salons.
Unknown to the general public, hairdressing is an unregulated industry, and therefore anyone with an interest in hairdressing can set up business which sadly gives the industry a bad name.
As well as customers being at risk, hairdressers themselves are at risk too if they have a safe code of practice in the salon. There is a duty of care for hairdressers to recognise and advise if you are carrying any infection or disease on the scalp – as treatments may inflame your condition and pass conditions amongst staff or between clients. Listed below are some of the most common incidents that trigger compensation claims in the UK, which have long term affects on claimants and are to be taken very seriously by salon owners.
Chemical burns
Hairdressers deal with hair dyes and bleaches on a daily basis and you are at risk of receiving burns to the skin if you come into contact with them – therefore it is important to ensure that your hairdresser carries out patch testing before treatments and you wear appropriate clothing.
Quite often old or unsafe equipment can cause burns. It is important that the salon regularly inspects all heat styling equipment such as hair dryers, hair straighteners and curling tongs to ensure that they are in good, safe condition and never left on when not in use.
Electric Shocks
It is imperative that a salon regularly checks their electrical equipment – especially as equipment is used on wet hair and near water supplies to prevent electric shocks. All equipment should be used and stored at a safe distance from the water basins.
Slip and Trip Accidents
We have all seen hairdressers sweeping floors on a regular basis – and there is a very good reason for doing so! Keeping the floor free from excess hair and water splashes is one of the most important jobs a salon will maintain as slips and trips can cause broken bones, head injuries and a host of other serious bone and soft injuries.
Some worst case scenarios can include allergic reactions, hair loss, severe cuts and burns or even anaphylactic shock, therefore hairdressing injury claims are sought to pay for psychologist therapy or cosmetic correction.
If you have suffered a hairdressing injury recently, making a hairdresser compensation claim couldn’t be easier. To see if you have a claim, contact Claims Solicitors today!