What you should do if the Other Driver has no Insurance

Car accidents are serious events. In many cases, vehicle accidents can cause damage to personal or government property, injury, or even possible death. In most cases, insurance providers are able and willing to cover the costs associated with an automobile accident; however, options may be limited when the other driver does not have insurance for their car. Individuals who are in this situation have a number of options, including ‘eating’ the costs themselves, filing charges against the individual who caused the accident, or relying on uninsured motorist coverage to pay for the bills associated with the accident. Understanding each of these different options is important for individuals who want to ensure optimal results following a car accident.

Depending on the severity of a car accident, the costs associated with the incident may vary quite dramatically. While serious events can cost tens of thousands of dollars, minor bumps or scratches may be only a few hundred bucks. In the event of a relatively minor car accident when repair and or medical costs are quite low, accident victims may want to pay for the bills out of pocket. This process not only ensures that the repairs or treatments are completed in a timely manner, but avoids the need for filing a report with one’s insurance carrier. It is important to note that this technique should only be used in accidents when total costs are less than $1000—more serious events must be documented with local authorities and private insurance providers.

Individuals who do not want to pay for the costs associated with an accident—or legally cannot do so—may have to consider other options. In many cases, individuals choose to take legal action against the person who caused the accident, even if he or she does not have automobile insurance. It is important to note that filing a lawsuit against an uninsured driver can be a time-consuming process, with awarded damages ranging dramatically from state to state. Also, this process can only be initiated in states that are not considered to be “no-fault.” Victims should consult with local authorities to determine if the state in which they live is “no-fault” before pursuing this option.

Finally, many individuals rely on uninsured motorist coverage when it comes to paying the bills associated with an accident that is caused by an uninsured driver. Traditionally, uninsured motorist coverage is a specific type of insurance included in automobile policies that provide coverage in the event that another driver does not have insurance. Drivers should be aware that depending on their specific state, the requirements and limitations of uninsured motorist coverage may vary quite a bit. For example, while some policies may pay for all costs associated with an accident caused by an uninsured motorist, others cover only the bills associated with medical costs. Though it is not the perfect option for those who have been in an accident with an uninsured driver, it can provide some relief and protection.

If you or a loved one suffered an injury as a result of a car accident and the other driver was underinsured, you should consult a legal professional to find out if you have a case.  The Elmore Law Firm, P.A. is a North Carolina car accident injury law firm with experience providing their clients compensation for injuries not covered by insurance after an accident.  For more information about injuries and seeking the compensation you deserve, visit the website at www.theelmorelawfirm.com.