What’s Behind The Pradaxa Lawsuits?

(According to U.S. law) When Pradaxa was released in 2010, many people were overjoyed by the simplicity that it offered them over its only competitor. The blood thinner represented the only medication on the market that would enable stroke victims to not have to make drastic lifestyle changes and receive regular checkups as part of their treatment plan. Unfortunately, however, there have been thousands of adverse reactions to the medication, and several lawsuits have begun as a result.

Pradaxa Statistics

Instead of providing a more worry free lifestyle, Pradaxa has killed at least 542 people and caused negative side effects in almost 3,800 others. All of these issues occurred during the year 2011, and the statistics for this year’s issues have not been released. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Pradaxa was their number one most complained about drug in 2011. This has caused the FDA to begin an investigation into Pradaxa, but so far, the drug is still legal to manufacturer and prescribe.


Individual Pradaxa lawsuits have popped up all over the country, but a large class action lawsuit, formed by attorney Mikal Watts, has the potential to bring about the end of Pradaxa. Watts has a history of both filing and winning multi-million dollar lawsuits against major corporations, and he is confident that he has obtained enough evidence to turn his latest case into a blockbuster settlement. If this happens, the company that manufacturers Pradaxa will probably have no choice than to either pull the product altogether or to make significant changes to it.

How Does a Harmful Drug Get Approved?

The manufacturer is supposed to run a series of clinical trials that proves the drug’s effectiveness and its safety, but unfortunately, these trials are not always conducted for long enough. For example, if a trial is only run for one year but the medication causes a long-term heart problem, then the evidence may not present itself for a number of years. This is not the case with Pradaxa, however. In fact, many patients who were prescribed the medication began experiencing issues in as few as three weeks. Intestinal bleeding is one of the major side effects, and this is definitely worse than the problems that the drug is supposed to prevent.

What Should I do if I was Taking Pradaxa?

If the drug caused you any major issues, such as intestinal bleeding, then you should definitely contact an attorney. You might even want to consider joining Watts’ class action lawsuit. Keep in mind, however, that any money that is awarded in cases like that will be split up among hundreds or perhaps even thousands of people. A class action lawsuit would allow you to avoid any legal fees, however, and in most cases, it would also allow you to stay away from the actual court proceedings.

Because the issues with Pradaxa are becoming so well-known, it would be really irresponsible to continue taking the medication if it causes you any serious complications. Before you stop taking it, however, make sure that you consult with your physician. As soon as you are healthy enough to do so, you should contact an attorney to determine your next step.

Anthony Joseph is a researcher/freelance writer, and a contributing author for the Doyle Raizner Law Office. Pradaxa lawsuits and litigation surrounding the drug is increasing and the lawyers of Doyle Raizner are very experienced in handling personal injury claims which rise from adverse side effects of pharmaceutical drugs. They have experience fighting cases all over the country and have earned a reputation for putting their clients first.