Whiplash Injury Claims – Acute vs Chronic Whiplash Symptoms

Whiplash injury leads to various symptoms and types of injury depending on the severity of the road traffic accident.  For some the symptoms may not be immediately apparent so for anyone involved in a car accident it is essential to seek medical attention as soon as possible. This is especially important for any whiplash injury claims which are subsequently filed.

Whiplash injuries are categorised as either acute or chronic. Sufferers of acute whiplash normally make a fairly rapid recovery. On the other hand, sufferers of chronic whiplash can suffer from symptoms lasting anything from a few months to several years. Whiplash injury claims in the latter instance can be drawn out and harder to define. Chronic whiplash can also understandably bring on depression and in some cases long-term insomnia.

The symptoms of whiplash injury can range from pain, stiffness and tenderness in the neck to actual fracture in extreme cases. In addition to neck pain, whiplash injuries can result in dizziness, nausea and also affect other parts of the body with tingling sensations or numbness. Headaches and fatigue are also common and in the more serious cases, memory loss and blurred vision can occur. All symptoms are relevant in whiplash injury claims.

Please remember, symptoms of whiplash injury can take several days to manifest themselves after an accident. It is essential to seek immediate medical attention in all cases. Furthermore, the earlier your insurance company or a solicitor is contacted then the more successful any resulting whiplash injury claim is likely to be.

Contact Clear Law Solicitors for more information regarding whiplash injuries and possible compensation. Clear Law Solicitors are whiplash injury claims  specialists.