Winter Holidays – Planning for Personal Injury Claims Abroad

In January many of us start to really think about planning a trip abroad – about 900,000 people in the UK love to ski and may have already planned their special ski holiday. It has to be acknowledged that all types of ski holidays will be expensive no matter where you go so it is crucial to take time and pick the right holiday deal for you.

The first thing the ski enthusiast considers when booking a trip is obviously the snow! Will there be definitely plenty of snow and will the slopes suit you and perhaps your family’s skills and ability? – This is the key consideration and will greatly influence the resort booking choice. The cost of the holiday is also of great importance but for an adventure holiday like this there is no way to cut corners and think solely about expense. You need to plan for every eventuality and this means double checking safety standards at your resort and making sure your insurance cover is adequate.

We sometimes just consider that personal injuries may occur whilst actually skiing on the slopes but in fact travelling to and from either your accommodation using resort facilities e.g. Ski lifts, can also present a danger, in February 2013 the BBC reported on an accident which happened when a ski-lift derailed and 5 children were injured.

Good insurance cover is a must for all holidays but especially important for a ski holiday whether abroad or in Britain. Personal injury claim procedures in the UK which cover accidents occurring here have been changed drastically over the past 12 months and everyone needs to be aware of this before making a claim. In April 2013 a major Civil Justice reform was passed affecting all personal injury claims and there is now a cap on compensation payments. Legal advice is now recommended before making any claim.

Regarding your skiing holiday it is important to note that ‘normal’ insurance will NOT cover you whilst you are out on the slopes! The cover will also not extend if you plan to go off-piste. So the absolute most important item on your holiday booking check list has to be the consideration of personal injury or accident cover. Research thoroughly to get a good but affordable cover for you and your family, read the small print and remember to check that the policy you have chosen will pay for emergency helicopter transport from the ski slopes to a hospital.

Conclusively it is recommended that you should take legal advice on personal injury cover from an expert. They will help you make the correct decision and take out the most safe policy for booking a skiing holiday…..before you sign on the dotted line or press that ‘confirm’ button online!